Practical information

The SoSySec seminar is held on Fridays at 11am in Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique (access). It generally takes place in the Turing room of the convention center.

The seminars are open to all. To facilitate access to the seminar room, people not from INRIA or IRISA must register by providing their name and affiliation to Nadia Derouault ( and present an ID at the front desk.

A mailing list for announcements about the seminar is available. To subscribe, simply send an email to with the subject subscribe sosysec.

Most of the talks are taped. The videos are accessible through INRIA’s intranet (here) or DGA’s intranet.

For the videoconference :

You can follow the presentation online through BBB. Please use
the following parameters:
– If you join by your browser:
– Go to:
Access Code : 192737

People in charge

Tristan Allard (University of Rennes1)

  • tel: +33(0)2 99 84 25 31

Louis Rilling


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